Step 7 - Completing the main components

Step 7 is aiming to complete all key components needed to submit the strongest applications, including essays, recommendations, understanding portals, showing interest, finalizing details, and lining up interviews. Summer has now passed and you will be starting your final year. This will be a very busy time. But if you focus and work hard, it will all be worth it.

  1. Writing Workshops - Participate in counsellor, teacher, or external writing workshops to continue refining and finalizing main statements, essays and supplemental essays. You will probably be very guarded of your work but it is very important to accept and incorporate any feedback you get. It is not personal, its about getting you to shine!

  2. Research Systems - Learn the specific application portals, requirements, supplementals, and deadlines for each college on the shortlist. You should know most of what is needed by now, but it is a good idea to refresh yourself on all the requirements. Students do miss bits and it can cost you an offer. Note any differences.

  3. Confirm Recommenders - Confirm which teachers will be submitting recommendation letters. Verify they have all the needed information and materials necessary to give you a good recommendation. You are not trying to be pushy, remember, they are busy too. But you need to feel assured that everything is on track.

  4. Register Portals - Create accounts and register on the application portals for each shortlisted college. Learn the system and become familiar with the things that they require. Each application system can have very different components.

  5. Confirm Details - Verify application requirements, procedures, supplementals, and deadlines for shortlisted colleges. Adjust your timeline if needed. Be knowledgable about all your application requirements.

  6. Demonstrated Interest - Continue demonstrating interest through fall info sessions, emails, and thank you notes.

  7. Finalize Essays - Put finishing touches on the main Common App personal statement and college supplemental essays. Have editors proofread.

  8. Request Interviews - If offered by shortlist colleges, request admissions interviews if not yet completed. Prepare talking points..