Step 10 - Getting it perfect

Step 10 is dotting I's and crossing T's to submit the strongest regular decision applications possible. Final test scores, interview, essays, and confirmation of completeness all play key roles.

  1. Confirm Deadlines - For regular decision applications, re-confirm upcoming deadlines for each university and make sure all materials will be ready.

  2. Retake Tests - Take any final standardised test retakes and prepare to submit scores.

  3. Finish Interviews - Complete final admissions interviews offered by universities before deadlines. Send thank you notes.

  4. Check Portals - Frequently check application portals for any updates, messages from universities, or missing items.

  5. Send Test Scores - Have final official test scores sent by the testing body/company to you universities (once you have applied).

  6. Final Writing - Put finishing touches on all your statements, main essays and supplements for your university applications.

  7. Counsellor Meeting - Meet with counsellor as regular decision deadlines approach to review applications one last time.

  8. Confirm Status - Verify with your counsellor that all components are complete for upcoming application deadlines.