University Guidance 4 U

Getting Started

A frequent myth I hear is, that someone knows someone who can get me into the university of your dreams.

Sounds great. But this, I am very sad to say, is simply not true. If someone promises you something, be very cautious!

The real answer is that there is someone who gets you onto the university of your dreams and that person is YOU.

This guide aims to help students, parents, and guardians understand the process that needs to be undertaken to make the best possible application to any university anywhere.

So where should you start........

You may choose not to go any further with any of advice and guidance in this website. BUT, PLEASE, do yourself a massive favour and take these few pointers away with you. They will stand you in good stead.

  • School qualifications are a main factor in your university application. Universities are academic institutions. Your grades will matter and they will matter a lot. It is quite simple.... Better grades = more options. But, there are options for everyone.

  • University rank is ABSOLUTELY NOT the biggest factor for choosing a university. There are so many other factors that are more important. You have to live there, and for quite a long time.

  • No advice is really general. What works for one person may not work for all. You are unique and should be treated that way

  • The process of making informed well though-out and planned university choices and a quality application takes about 2 years.

  • Do not take things at face value from anyone at anytime, especially from unofficial websites (including mine) check you information carefully and do not allow yourself to be mislead.

  • Do your research. There are thousands of universities in the world and all are as unique as you are. You need to find where you fit best

  • Be realistic and make a list based on solid research. Have a mix of; Reach, Target and Safe universities to apply to.

  • You are the person applying. Do not get someone else to complete you application and absolutely do not get someone to write your statements, essays and other written work. Admissions departments can spot these pretty easily.

Applying to university is a big decision and, it can become quite confusing.

As I have said, there is loads of information out there and you can find out pretty much everything you need.

But, many if not most people thinking about applying will have many other things to deal with.

So, you might be looking for some help and that can be difficult in itself. Help is available!

This guide from the British Council (click on the image) gives parents, students really good advice when it comes to choosing an Advisor/Agent/Counsellor.